

In the early 2000’s, I started programming on OS X as a hobbyist, which is how I fell in love with Objective-C.

Since 2010, I have split my iOS development time between writing apps for myself and sample code to help others. My own apps are focused on aerospace applications. The areas of Cocoa programming that I most enjoy are HomeKit, SceneKit, SprikeKit, OpenGL, GLKit, Core Data, Core Animation, and the myriad of iOS API’s that have made my life more simple and…well, the list is long.

I am not interested in contract work.

I live with my wife in Austin, Texas with our two dogs and a cat.

Why BrokenFang? Well, the name is certainly nothing quite so profound as what someone once asked, “Is Broken Fang some ancient native American name”? Nope.

In fact, the name Broken Fang comes from a nickname I gave to my yellow Lab, Elizabeth, who chipped off half of one of her canines while playing with her favorite toy…a 15 lbs mesquite log she pulled out of the woodpile. So there you have it, the story behind BrokenFang.

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